We are very proud to announce that for the first time in our academy’s history, Pool Hayes Academy has been rated “Good” by Ofsted.
Pool Hayes Academy first opened in September 1963, almost 59 years ago and despite being a much loved school within our community, has never managed to achieve a “Good” Ofsted rating… until now!
Ofsted recognised significant improvement since our last inspection in 2018, describing our academy now as, “a calm and caring school” and praised how our leaders, “are creating a culture of excellence and self-improvement.” They also praised pupils’ behaviour, “In lessons, pupils behave well and focus on their learning.”
The glowing report, which followed a two-day inspection carried out in April, noted that a strong curriculum lay at the foundation of our academy’s success, “Leaders are developing an ambitious curriculum that puts pupils’ development at its heart.” Furthermore, our academy was praised for “helping pupils develop a love of reading.”
The inspection team also noted the dedication and support staff offer pupils, “Teachers take time to get to know each pupil well. Pupils build strong, positive relationships with their teachers.” They noted that as a result, “Pupils are resilient to setbacks and strive to achieve their best.”
Pool Hayes Academy is sponsored by Academy Transformation Trust (ATT) and the report acknowledged the positive and supportive relationship between our academy and its sponsor, “The Principal, supported by the multi-academy trust, has overseen a period of rapid improvement at the school.”
The report also praised our academy for its work with pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Inspectors noted that our teachers, “adapt their teaching skilfully, to ensure all pupils can access the challenging work give to them”. It was further noted that, “Because of this, pupils with SEND make strong progress.”
The report praises the wider cultural impact of our academy. In particular the range of curricular opportunities, “there is a wide range of opportunities for pupils and sixth form pupils to develop their passion out of the classroom.”
We were particularly pleased to read the comments inspectors made around the effectiveness of safeguarding at our academy. Inspectors stated that, “staff act quickly if they have a concern, no matter how small” and “Leaders are resolute. They follow though all concerns raised and make sure that pupils receive the support they need to stay as safe as possible.”
Our Principal, Tom McDowall, said:
“I am so proud of our whole academy community. I am delighted that our hard work, determination and resilience has been recognised in this Ofsted report. This is a huge achievement and I would like to thank every member of staff for their exceptional work over an incredibly challenging period in our academy’s history. We are not resting on our laurels or stopping here and we are more driven than ever to continue to improve the life chances of our young people at Pool Hayes.”
Garry Trott, ATT Director of Secondary Education, said:
“We are delighted that the transformation of Pool Hayes, led by the Principal and his team, has been acknowledged in such a positive report. It is fantastic for pupils and parents, that there is now such a strong academy at the heart of the community. We look forward to working alongside Pool Hayes as it continues on its successful journey.”
Derek Trimmer, ATT National Education Director, said:
“This is a wonderful achievement for all of the staff, parents and pupils of the academy and I am delighted to see their hard work recognised with such a positive report. But this is also a wonderful result for the community as it is the first time in the history of the school that Pool Hayes has been judged as a good school by OFSTED. Congratulations all!”