The role of the local governing body

In order to understand the role and responsibilities of the local governing body within Pool Hayes Academy it is important to recognise that the governing body of a school that is part of a multi-academy trust, such as this one is, is very different from that of a single academy school or a community school.

The main difference is that the trust is the accountable body and ultimate decision-making body and not the local governors, or local governance tier as they are known, and it is the trustees who decide how governance works at individual academy level and what responsibilities are delegated to the local tier.  The trust board can, at any time choose to remove those delegated responsibilities or change the committee structure.  So, in a nutshell the local governing body is a committee of, and dependent on, the trust board for any decision-making powers.

So, what is the role of the local governing body at Pool Hayes Academy?

The local governing body is an informed local community resource with a unique local perspective and a delegated responsibility to provide challenge and support to the academy and the Trust.  Local governors are the “eyes and ears” of the trustees in the local community.

In line with the trust’s Scheme of Delegation, local governors are responsible for supporting academy improvement and engaging with academy leaders and the community in order to ensure that all students reach their full potential, regardless of background or level of ability.

This academy is part of a local cluster.  This means that the governing bodies of two or more academies come together to form one local governing body chaired by an Executive Chair.

Fully supported by the Trust’s Governance Team and the Executive Chair, local governors of Pool Hayes Academy are responsible for:

  1. Knowing, understanding and challenging pupils’ overall progress and attainment. This means being clear about where the attainment gaps are, what provisions are in place to close those gaps and the impact of those provisions.
  2. Monitoring child protection and welfare in the academy including attendance, behaviour, suspensions and permanent exclusions.
  3. Receiving and noting summary management accounts and risk registers provided by the academy.
  4. Hearing any appeals as part of the complaints process and sitting on discipline panels in relation to suspensions and permanent exclusions.
  5. Evaluating their own effectiveness through the local governing body action plan, skills audit and clerk-led self-evaluation.

School visits help governors to understand more about their academy and the reality of school life.  We encourage governors to take on specific roles, dependent upon their interests and visit their academy.

Being a governor is a very rewarding experience.  You will be part of a team who is working to improve the life chances of children, some of whom come from very challenging backgrounds.  You will learn new skills whilst giving something back to the community you live and work in.  Our local Governors are committed to Transforming Lives, they give their time and energy to oversee the academy and take on a lot of responsibility.  Governance is enhanced by a team from a diverse range of professional, social and cultural backgrounds, if you are interested in becoming a local community governor please get in touch with Jo Bickley our Governance Clerk.

Contact the Governors

The Governance Team

If you have feedback, or need support with a concern, our Governance Team are here to help.  Michelle, our Head of Governance, along with Amber, Jo and Jess, our Governance Clerks, all work closely together and will ensure any communications regarding your academy get to the correct person for response and will support you in the process.  The team would also be delighted to hear from you if you are considering becoming a governor yourself and would like some information about it.  They can be found via the following:


Telephone: Leave a message via 01902 368147

Address: FAO Clerk to the Governors, Pool Hayes Academy, Castle Drive, Willenhall, West Midlands. WV12 4QZ

Meet the Governors

Netty Jackson

Antoinette Jackson, Executive Chair, Local Community Governor

Term of Office: 23/10/2023 – 31/12/2026 appointed by ATT Trustees

Chair of Governors, Safeguarding Link Governor

I am dedicated to the care, safety and wellbeing of young people.  Ensuring all have equal opportunities and a solid platform for success driven by humility, care and kindness.  Schools and academies have a huge arena to influence young people. We must use this opportunity to ensure every child feels worthy, supported and ambitious irrelevant of adversity or background.

Ricky Byrnes

Ricky Byrnes, Vice Chair, Local Parent Governor

Term of Office: 23/10/2023 – 08/10/2028 appointed by Bristnall Hall Academy Parents

Careers Link Governor

I am pleased to be able to have the opportunity to become a Governor at BHA as I believe our children’s growth and development within a secondary school setting is essential to the rest of their lives and key to them becoming happy and well-rounded adults, with the very best opportunities in life being made available to them. And I believe my skills and experience can help to support this further. I am an ex pupil of the school and live within the local community, I’m passionate about how BHS links to its community and continues to be integral to the growth and development of the local and wider community. I have worked within Sandwell for over 25 years within several different health improvement settings. This has included positions within the PCT, NHS, Commissioned Services and on to my current role within Public Health (SMBC). I have worked within several areas including weight management, physical activity, health improvement, health training, rehabilitation, sexual health and community development.  I am currently the Physical Activity Project Manager for Sandwell which requires me to directly fund and project manage a range of physical activity interventions across the borough and across the age range. I also manage the Public Health Development Officer Team, who are responsible for linking and developing Public Health and Public Health England projects and priorities within Sandwell and within all areas such as schools, communities, workplaces and primary care.

My aim as Governor will be to support the school, its staff and our pupils in any way I can, and to help the school to continue to strive to be the best it can, and for the young people attending the school to also strive to be the very best they can be.

Amandeep Garcha

Amandeep Garcha, Local Community Governor

Term of Office: 23/11/2023 – 22/11/2027 appointed by the LGB

SEND Link Governor 

I studied Law at university, but my professional background is in Local Government. I am a local Councillor on Walsall Council representing Short Heath. At the Council I am a member of the Children’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee. I am passionate about the Short Heath Community in which Pool Hayes Academy is a part of. I live and work locally, so I have a keen interest in our area. Having attended local schools, I understand the challenges local children face but I also understand the success each student can have if they are able to tap into their potential.

The students are our future so it is important that we work as a team to give them the best start possible. Pool Hayes Academy has a lot to offer our community and it is important that we reach our full potential.


Cassie Pearson, Local Staff Governor

Term of Office: 11/09/2023 to 10/09/2027 appointed by Pool Hayes Academy Staff

Staff Voice Link Governor

I have been a member of staff at Pool Hayes Academy for the last 14 years, and I am currently Subject Disciplinary Literacy Coordinator as well as a History Teacher.  Another role I have at Pool Hayes is the Academy Development Group Lead where we look at feedback on whole school issues and develop new ideas for progress.  Being a staff governor allows me to further promote the link between staff voice and stakeholders.

Education has always been my passion, and to get the opportunity to not only work with young and inspiring individuals, but to be able to shape their paths into the future is extremely rewarding. I hope that my role as staff governor will build on this foundation, and allow students to strive further in a progressive and improving environment.

M Alison

Miranda Alison, Local Parent Governor

Term of Office: 23/10/2023 – 22/11/2026 appointed by Bristnall Hall Academy Parents

Behaviour Link Governor

I’m very pleased to be a Parent Governor at BHA, as I respect the leadership’s ambitious goals for the school’s students and teachers. It’s essential to me that the school provides an environment to support the best possible outcomes for all our children, with their varied needs. To help with this, from my experience as a policymaker I bring skills that are essential to the role of a Governor: evaluating data, monitoring outcomes, asking challenging questions, listening to varied views and holding leaders to account. All organisations perform at their best when leaders are both supported and challenged. I look forward to being the Careers Link Governor for BHA, as improving career options for children in Sandwell is really important to me. In my former career, I taught at a university. For BHA students who have the desire to go on to university, I’d love to see them aim high. For those who choose a different path, it’s important there are as many great career options on the table as possible, with quality apprenticeships available. Currently, working on renewable electricity in the civil service for central government, I want to see the civil service improve its recruitment and promotion of people from a much more diverse cross-section of society, so as many different experiences and voices as possible – including those of our children – are involved in the decision-making that affects all of our lives. I look forward to working with the BHA careers team to support the great work they’re doing

OJ Kehinde

Olutoyin Joshua Kehinde, Local Parent Governor

Term of Office: 08/12/2021 – 07/12/2025 appointed by Pool Hayes Academy Parents

Pupil Premium Link Governor

My professional background is Social Work and I have been qualified since 2010. I am currently employed by Walsall Council as a Social Work Team Manager, and I am responsible for the leadership and management of a social work team. In my current role, I ensure that vulnerable children and their families, from a range of social and cultural backgrounds, receive responsive services that safeguard and promote their welfare.

I have relevant professional background, skills and experience that I can bring to the Local Academy Committee, to contribute to its strengthening and generate a better educational outcome for pupils. I will be collaborating with other members of the governance team, including the senior leadership team, to set a clear vision for the future and ensuring that there are support and opportunity in place for every pupil to learn and fulfil their potential. It is my desire to see that Pool Hayes Academy’s profile is raised across the board.

Reece Bhatoe

Reece Bhatoe, Staff Governor

Term of Office: 05/04/2023 – 04/04/2027 appointed by Bristnall Hall Academy Staff

Staff Voice Link Governor

I have been a member of staff at Bristnall Hall Academy for five years and currently hold the post of Area Leader of Geography. I am, of course, passionate about education and improving the life chances of young people. I also have a keen interest in school governance and using every available opportunity to foster closer and more effective partnerships between staff in school and our stakeholders. I hope to use my role as staff governor to further improve and enhance the opportunities available to the young people in our care.

Person Coming Soon

Shnez Begum, Local Community Governor

Term of Office: 03/11/2023 – 02/11/2027 appointed by the LGB

I believe that every child has a right to a good education, regardless of their ability, the wealth of their parents or guardians, or even to where they reside. This is why I wanted to become a School Governor. I believe, every young adult has the ability to reach their full potential and go on to
be a good human being who is able to contribute to society.

Unfortunately, in today’s fast paced environment, not all young adults achieve their full potential. This is where I can make a difference. I absolutely enjoy advising, guiding and helping applicants on their student journey in the university where I work. It is wonderful to see so many young adults at the start of their journey each academic year. Many are extremely shy and lack confidence.  However, fast forward to 3 years, most change, they flourish to become confident young adults when graduating, ready to join the working environment and conquer the world around them. It is a complete privilege and honour to attend across Faculty graduation ceremonies at the end of each academic year of those students I originally supported to successfully gain a
place on their chosen course.

With my experience and ability to communicate with young adults, combined with my passion for making a difference to their lives makes me an excellent choice for the role of school governor.